Illahee days: Puzzles, Kayaking and Mt Townsend

We had a great time relaxing in the beautiful Illahee home of the Aho’s that included completing a 1000 piece puzzle, kayaking to Illahee state park to hike around and climbing another mountain.

We also had some more delicious bbqs and walks in Illahee preserve as well as cheese platters and I found the Yodler still working in Jim’s car that we gave him 10 years ago. 🙂

The finished puzzle 🧩

Then we climbed Mt Townsend and did not go down the trail but bushwhacked it. So much fun!

And last but not least we had a lovely dinner at Justin and Elysa’s in Port Orchard:

Brett and I added all the stickers from our trip onto one of Bilbo’s cabinets
Farewell garden harvest picture 🍅😅

Time to say goodbye. What a blast it has been visiting my second family in Illahee. Although I haven’t been back to Illahee for 10 years, as i traveled with the Ahos around the globe, meeting them there, it still felt like home. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have such a wonderful family here. I’ll make sure not to wait 10 years to return this time!

In a few hours, I’ll fly to Alaska and the second part of my trip begins. I’ll meet my friend Ilce in Anchorage. 🤩

Sea lions, first black bear, dead salmon and Mt Sanford (4949m) Richardson Hwy 3/3, Fairbanks and cabin experience #3 Pictures from ✈️, Silverdale, sir mix a Live at the Silverdale fare
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